Death Moto 4 is the fourth installment in an awesome franchise widely known for its similarity to the great Road Rash. In this 90s classic your aim is to complete all the races while battling against the rest of the racers. And that's exactly what you have to do in this game.
In Death Moto 4 not only do you have to whizz at top speed down the highways all over the world while dodging traffic – you also have to fight against the rest of the racers. To do this you have a weapon for hand-to-hand combat and a machine gun for shooting from a distance. You can even unlock a missile launcher.
In terms of graphics Death Moto 4 isn't exactly the best, but it does have good motorcycle models and some really nicely done special effects. The design of the racers is accurate, and the way the setting is generated as you play gives off quite a believable sense of speed.
Death Moto 4 is a fun game that improves on almost every aspect of the previous installment. You can unlock tons of different improvements, use more than a dozen different skins for your racers, and handle plenty of dangerous weapons.